Tuesday 22 September 2009

Web Trackers

Don'tcha just luv 'em? How else could you find out that someone in Bucharest, Romania, was looking at your blog at 3 in the morning? It's the sort of information you can't live without.
I love finding out how people arrived at my blog. Mostly it's from a comment that I made on someone else's blog, sometimes it's via my Coriandr shop, and quite often it's through some random Googling. Some people search for really weird things. Especially to do with pickles and weasels. Here are some of my favourites:

1. Valentine Warner's pickled peaches

2. Weasel cufflinks

3. Slut Rossendale (this one is slightly worrying)

4. Pickled weasels and where to buy them (this is also worrying, but in an 'awww' way)

5.Weasel sewing pattern

6. Goblin craft

Looking at my stats, it seems most googlers land on me via looking for stuff about Valentine Warner. So, just to try and increase my traffic a bit, repeat after me: Valentine Warner is a stud muffin, Valentine Warner is a stud muffin, Valentine Warner is a stud muffin, Valentine Warner is a stud muffin, Valentine Warner is a stud muffin...

P.s. If you have no idea what a web tracker is, take a look at statcounter, which is the one I use.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I might have to do a post about this too! I've been shocked / appalled by some of the search terms that have landed people on my blog...
